
Tonsils are small lymphoid glands in the throat, one on each side. They are there to fight germs when you are a young child. As you get older, the tonsils become less important in fighting germs and usually shrink.Tonsillectomy is done if they cause recurrent sore throats despite treatment with antibiotics. The other main reason for removing tonsils is if they are large and block the airway. Quinsy is an abscess that develops alongside the tonsil, as a result of tonsil infection, and is most unpleasant. People who have had quinsy therefore often choose to have a tonsillectomy to prevent having another. Tonsils are also removed if we suspect there is a tumour in the tonsil. A rapid increase in the size of a tonsil or ulceration or bleeding occurs if a tumour of the tonsil develops. Tumours of the tonsil are rare.

Tonsillitis Treatment for Adult & Children

Mr. Dhanasekar does both children and adult tonsillectomies. He will discuss the pros and cons of surgery and also what to expect immediately after surgery. He would carry out Tonsillectomy for children at Spire Hospital in Hull or through the Lindsey suite at Scunthorpe General hospital. Whereas for the adults tonsillectomies can be done at all the hospitals he visits.
